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Impacts of major international sporting events

Decoding the Challenges of the Sports Economy: A Guide for Parents and Students

Join academic lecturer and author Patrice Bouvet in this conference to discuss the sports system as a whole to better understand the current challenges of the sports economy and discuss the prospects for change.

As part of the month of Francophonie in Singapore, whose theme this year is sport, and the PEAC (Parcours d’Education Artistique et Culturelle), IFS is pleased to propose a conference with Patrice Bouvet on the theme :

« 50 Years of Sports Economy »
Thursday, 20 April 2023, at 7:00 P.M.
Amphitheatre 3000

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Patrice Bouvet is a lecturer in sports economics at the University of Poitiers. His research has led him to examine the economic models of top-level sports, particularly football and golf. He is often called upon as an expert by the CNOSF (National Olympic Committee), the FFF (football federation) or the national golf authorities.

He has published on various topics such as the economic globalisation of sports, the economic analysis of doping, the financing of sports and the economic impacts of sports. Among his most recent books, published in 2018 by Harmattan, is Les Jeux Olympiques de 1924 à 2024, Impacts, retombées économiques et heritage (The Olympic Games from 1924 to 2014: impacts, economic repercussions and heritage). This book focuses on direct or indirect economic effects for Olympic medallists.

During his talk at IFS, Patrice Bouvet will address all of these issues from a broader perspective, looking at the evolution of the world of professional sports from an economic perspective and exploring its social and financial consequences.

An interactive exchange with the audience will follow the talk. This will be moderated by students of Terminale (grade 12) as part of their EMC (Moral and Civic Education) course.

Through the PEAC (Parcours d’Éducation Artistique et Culturelle), IFS’s goals is to prepare students for life and to give them the opportunity to broaden their cultural horizons, to learn more about a wide range of subjects and enrich their knowledge in order to better explore their own personal interests and develop their critical thinking.