Home > Music, a New Bac option for IFS High School Students

Music, a New Bac option for IFS High School Students

Students in High School, grades 10, 11 and 12 (Seconde, Première and Terminale) wishing to pursue music at the highest academic levels will now be able to do so at the International French School (Singapore) from September 2021. ♪♪


Ifs Music Option

Following the success and popularity of the musical workshops held for several years in secondary school, IFS has chosen to enrich its artistic and musical offering to secondary students by including the baccalaureate’s music course.

The option is open to all students (singers or instrumentalists) with prior knowledge, practice and interest in music (lessons at the conservatory, music school, private lessons, self-taught). 

This will be an opportunity to deepen vocal or instrumental practice in small groups, with a wide variety of repertoires (classical, songs, rock, film music, traditional music, etc.), to delve deeper into works, to broaden musical horizons concerning the works on the programme, and to take the time to develop one’s creativity and musicality.

Whatever the musical level of the students, the music option allows curious and motivated musicians to take part in musical projects throughout the year (open stages, meetings with artists, etc.), to improve their musical practice, to share their passion with others, to open up to other musical practices (improvisation, arrangement, composition, computer-aided music), to discover diverse works and styles.

The music course evaluation is part of the continuous assessment.

High school students who have fulfilled the baccalaureate requirements obtain the indication “Facultative Music option” on their baccalaureate diploma.

For more information on artistic learning at IFS, click here.

Learn more about music in IFS Collège and Lycée. Visit www.pagemusicale-ifs.com