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Students from Kindergarten
to the Baccalaureate


Success rate
at the Baccalaureate


With mention


French students
62.5% other nationalities

Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) (Agency for French Education Abroad)

Created in 1990, the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is a national public institution under the supervision of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

It ensures public service missions relating to education for French children residing outside France and contributes to the influence of the French language and culture as well as the strengthening of relations between French and foreign education systems.

The main objective of the AEFE is to serve and promote a unique school network in the world, formed of 522 institutions in 139 countries.

Being part of the AEFE network allows IFS students to attend schools throughout the world from nursery all the way to the baccalauréat without interruption. As a result of our membership to this international, attractive and open network, the French education system offers an enriching, hassle-free, transferable education to students in the region and worldwide.

IFS is a certified institution, linked to the agency by a convention covering administrative, financial and educational matters. It is also an examination centre and a deliberation venue for the Asia Pacific Baccalauréat zone, and an examination centre for the DNB (Diplôme National du Brevet).

To learn more about the AEFE and the French schools’ network, visit www.aefe.fr