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The Executive Committee

Headed by the President, the Executive Committee oversees the management and long term strategy of the school excluding pedagogical matters which do not have any financial impact. The Executive Committee represents the IFS community of parents as well as the companies that hold Options de Fondateur (ODF) status.

All committee members are elected volunteers. Six parent applicants and 2 reserve members are elected for a four-year term, renewable for one additional term. Elections take place at the Ordinary General Meeting in November/December.

The Executive Committee is made up of 12 elected members and 4 reserve members from each group: Individual members and Corporate members.

Please note :

  • The French Ambassador in Singapore and Pierre Chanteclair are honorary Presidents of the Executive Committee
  • The Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education (COCAC) is a non-voting member
  • The Principal and the Executive Director may attend the Executive Committee meetings as non-voting guests.

Who appoints the members of the Executive Committee?

The members are elected by the General Meeting held each year in October or November.

How to become a member of the Executive Committee?
  1. Reply to the call for candidature which is sent by the International French School (Singapore) before the autumn General Meeting. The number of available seats varies every year.
  2. Attach a picture and profession of faith to your candidature, which will be sent to all the parents and the corporate representatives.

➔ Your application will be put to the vote at the General Meeting.

IFS General Meetings

IFS holds two General Meetings every academic year. These are occasions for the parent community to participate in the school’s governance and overall management strategy. Parent involvement in the school at all levels is fundamental and unique to IFS. Your voice is important to us!

 Each General Meeting, presentations are given on several topics, for example: 

  • the previous academic year’s examination results
  • review of the academic year’s pedagogical practices and innovations
  • the school’s financials
  • projects for future developments

The parent community vote and pass the approval of the school’s accounts and vote on the following academic year’s school fees. Elections for the members of the Executive Committee are undertaken, and parent representatives on various school councils are validated. 

These annual events and critical in enacting and embodying the vital intersection of staff, students and parents. The fundamentals of good school governance.


The International French School (Singapore) is a Singapore registered private non-profit organisation, linked by an institutional agreement (établissement conventionné) with the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE).

At IFS we see it as essential that the four components of the school community, students, teachers, parents and corporate partners are actively involved in the management of the school. As such IFS is governed by two community-driven bodies. The Executive Committee and the Educational Committee.

Our parent community are encouraged to volunteer and participate in the governance of the school by being elected onto the Executive Committee as a parent representative or a corporate representative, (Options de Fondateur, ODF). Or by being elected onto the Educational Committee as a representative of the IFS parent community.

The sub-committees of the Executive Committee

Support Committee: Finances, Infrastructures, Maintenance, IT
Head: Antoine De Vos
Members: Isabel Alvarez Fernandez, Christophe Chau, Pierre Fichant, Martine Hui, Fabrice Marty, Damien Ordines 
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer,  Executive Director, Principal
Governance & audits Committee : Governance matters (bylaws, procedures) and audits (reviews, compliance)
Head : Laëtitia Valençon
Members : Christophe Chau, Pierre Fichant, Fabrice Marty, Samantha Tassim, Guilhem Vincens
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer,  Executive Director, Principal
Marketing & Communication Committee : Campagne de marketing 2025, Relation avec médias et public, Communication
Head : Léocadie Thuillier
Members : Isabel Alvarez Fernandez, Christophe Chau, Nina Devouge, Pierre Fichant, Martine Hui, Samantha Thassim
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer,  Executive Director, Principal
Human Resources Committee : Politiques RH, Assurances, Gestion Santé Physique et Mentale, Performances & Développement des personnels
Head : Nina Devouge
Members : Isabel Alvarez Fernandez, Christophe Chau, Anne-Laure Despeaux, Martine Hui, Khang Nguyen Trieu, Samantha Thassim, Léocadie Thuillier
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer,  Executive Director, Principal
Plurilingualism Committee : Revue de l’offre linguistique au sein de l’IFS
Head : Isabel Alvarez Fernandez
Members : Anne-Laure Despeaux, Khang Nguyen Trieu, Léocadie Thuillier, Guilhem Vincens
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer,  Executive Director, Principal
ODF / Corporates Committee
Head : Pierre Fichant
Members : Anne-Laure Despeaux, Fabrice Marty, Damien Ordines, Léocadie Thuillier
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer,  Executive Director, Principal
Wellbeing Committee 
Head: Samantha Thassim
Members: Isabel Alvarez Fernandez, Nina Devouge, Fabrice Marty, Guilhem Vincens
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer,  Executive Director, Principal


The Educational Committee is the main body responsible for running educational and pedagogical affairs of the school. Chaired by the Principal, representatives of the teaching faculty, non-teaching staff, parent, student community and the Embassy’s Counsellor for Culture, Education and Science comprise the group.

This committee is responsible for school projects, school rules, the timetable, the academic calendar, and a programme of training and professional development for staff. It provides guidance on the recruitment needs of IFS, school trips and the organisational structure of the school as a whole.

To learn more about the Education Committee, click here.


These two boards are internal bodies of the School and are governed by local legislation.

Academic Board

  • Principal, Mr David Binan
  • Vice Principals, Ms Jillian Erin-Agot & Ms Sylvie Allonas
  • Heads of Primary, Mr Christophe Cailton, Ms Johanna Boutard & Mr Florian Olive

Examination Board

  • Principal, Mr David Binan
  • Vice Principals, Ms Jillian Erin-Agot & Ms Sylvie Allonas
  • Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education, Ms Emilienne Baneth-Nouailhetas
Latest Annual Reports

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2020