

The Executive Committee

Headed by the President, the Executive Committee oversees the management and long term strategy of the school excluding pedagogical matters which do not have any financial impact. The Executive Committee represents the IFS community of parents as well as the companies that hold a Corporate Membership Programme (CMP).

All committee members are elected volunteers. Six parent applicants and 2 reserve members are elected for a four-year term, renewable for one additional term. Elections take place at the Ordinary General Meeting in November/December.

The Executive Committee is made up of 12 elected members and 4 reserve members from each group: Individual members and Corporate members.

Corporate Members

Ludovic Mathe

Ludovic Mathé


Antoine Devos

Antoine De Vos


Pierre Fichant

Pierre Fichant

General Secretary

Laetitia Valencon

Laëtitia Valençon

Damien Ordines

Damien Ordines

Leocardie Thuillier

Léocadie Thuillier

Anne Laure Despeaux

Anne-Laure Despeaux

Fabrice Marty

Fabrice Marty

Individual Members

Christophe Chau

Christophe Chau

Khang Nguyen Trieu

Khang Nguyen Trieu

Isabel Alvarez

Isabel Alvarez Fernandez

Nina Devouge

Nina Devouge

Martine Hui

Martine Hui

Joëlle Dang

Joëlle Dang

Pimjay Kaur

Pimjay Kaur

Mathieu Bellamy

Mathieu Bellamy

Honorary members and non-voting guests

The French Ambassador in Singapore and Jean-Marc Deromedi are honorary Presidents of the Executive Committee.
The Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education (COCAC) is a non-voting member.
The Principal and the Executive Director may attend the Executive Committee meetings as non-voting guests.

Executive Committee and General Meetings at IFS

Who appoints the Executive Committee?

The members are elected by the General Meeting held each year in October or November.

How to join the Executive Committee?

  1. Submit your candidacy in response to the call from IFS before the autumn General Meeting.
  2. Include a photo and a brief statement of purpose, which will be shared with parents and corporate representatives.
  3. Your application will be voted on during the General Meeting.

IFS General Meetings

IFS hosts two General Meetings annually, providing a platform for parents to engage in school governance and management.

Key Highlights:

  • Review of academic performance, teaching practices, and innovations
  • Updates on school financials and upcoming projects
  • Approval of annual accounts and school fees
  • Elections for the Executive Committe and validation of parent representatives

Governance and Academic Committee at IFS

Governance Structure at IFS

The International French School (Singapore) is a private, non-profit organization affiliated with the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) through an institutional agreement (établissement conventionné).

IFS emphasizes collaborative governance, involving students, teachers, parents, and corporate partners in key decision-making. The school is managed by two community-driven bodies:

  • Executive Committee: Oversees school operations.
  • Educational Committee: Represents the parent community in educational

Parents can contribute by being elected as parent or corporate representatives (CMP) on the Executive Committee or as members of the Educational Committee.

Ifs Governance Chart

Executive Committee Sub-Committees

Support Committee

Topics related to finance, infrastructure, IT, and the expansion project.
Head: Antoine De Vos (Treasurer)
Members: Mathieu Bellamy, Christophe Chau, Martine Hui, Khang Nguyen Trieu, Damien Ordines
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Principal

Governance and Audit Committee

Topics related to governance management, review of statutes, procedures, and audit follow-ups.
Head : Pierre Fichant (General Secretary)
Members : Joëlle Dang, Fabrice Marty, Laëtitia Valençon
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Principal

Human Resources & Well-being Committee

Topics related to HR policy, health insurance, general salary increases, performance and development of administrative staff and teachers, physical and mental health management.
Head : Nina Devouge
Members : Isabel Alvarez Fernandez, Christophe Chau, Joëlle Dang, Pimjay Kaur, Fabrice Marty
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Principal

Marketing & Communication Committee

Topics related to marketing campaigns, new IFS website, communication improvements, and management of social media and media relations.
Head : Léocadie Thuillier
Members : Isabel Alvarez Fernandez, Mathieu Bellamy, Christophe Chau, Anne-Laure Despeaux
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Principal

Plurilingualism Committee

Topics related to the implementation of a trilingual pathway at IFS: French, English, and Mandarin.
Head : Isabel Alvarez Fernandez
Members : Anne-Laure Despeaux, Martine Hui, Khang Nguyen Trieu,
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Principal

CMP Corporate Committee

Topics related to the development of the ‘Corporate Membership Programme.’
Head : Anne-Laure Despeaux
Members : Antoine De Vos, Pierre Fichant, Fabrice Marty, Damien Ordines, Léocadie Thuillier, Laëtitia Valençon
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Principal

IB Project Committee

Assessment of the feasibility of implementing an IB program taught primarily in english.
Head : Laëtitia Valençon
Members : Pimjay Kaur, Fabrice Marty, Léocadie Thuillier
Ex officio members: President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Principal

Education Committee

The Educational Committee is the main body responsible for running educational and pedagogical affairs of the school. Chaired by the Principal, representatives of the teaching faculty, non-teaching staff, parent, student community and the Embassy’s Counsellor for Culture, Education and Science comprise the group.

This committee is responsible for school projects, school rules, the timetable, the academic calendar, and a programme of training and professional development for staff. It provides guidance on the recruitment needs of IFS, school trips and the organisational structure of the school as a whole.

The Educational Committee is a tripartite body composed of an equal number of representatives from:
  • The administration
  • The school staff
  • The parents and the students
Voting Members Embassy representative
  • Counsellor for Culture, Education and Science: Ms. Emilienne BANETH-NOUAILHETAS (Reserve member): M. François LUSTEAU, Attaché Culturel
Executive members

Principal: Mr. David BINAN
Executive Director: Mr. Yves MARCEL
Vice-Principal (6ème, 1ère, Terminale): Ms. Jillian ERIN-AGOT
Vice-Principal (5ème, 4ème, 3ème, 2nde): Ms. Sylvie ALLONAS
Head of Upper Primary: Mr Christophe CAILTON
Head of Lower Primary: Ms Johanna BOUTARD
Head of Kindergarten: Mr. Florian OLIVE
Guidance Counsellor: Ms. Nafissa ZBAIRI (Reserve members : Ms. Marie CUVE & Mr. Fabien SANNIER)

Representatives of teaching and non-teaching staff

M. Brice FOROPON – Collège Primaire 
M. Cyril SZTANDERA – Collège Primaire
M. Yves MARRE – Collège Primaire
Mme Laavanya RAMACHANDRAN – Collège Secondaire
M. Franck SAINT-MARTIN – Collège Secondaire
Mme Christine GREEN – Collège Administratif, Technique, Social et de Santé
M. Jean-Charles MAJERUS – Collège Administratif, Technique, Social et de Santé
Mme Mylène LOCATELLI – Collège Administratif, Technique, Social et de Santé

Reserve members for Staff :

Mme Béatrice MALAHEL – Collège Primaire
M. Thibaut VRIGNAUD – Collège Primaire
Mme Claire ROUSSENALY – Collège Secondaire
Ms. All Diana MATHIAS – Collège Secondaire
Ms. Maria-LIdia MARTINS-RODRIGUEZ – Collège Secondaire
Mme Estelle STERN– Collège Secondaire
M. Julien TERRIER– Collège Secondaire
M. Jérôme RAVIGNEAUX– Collège Secondaire

Representatives of the parents and the students

M. Augustin GUIOT ( Reserve member : Mme Pénélope GUILLARD)
M. Alfred GILLION ( Reserve member : M. Lucas SEMONIN)
Mme Madeleine FEAT (Reserve member : Mme Isaure DEBAR)

Parents of students

Ms. Dorothée PETIT, Mr. Patrice MAGRET-DELORD,, Ms. Marilyn DESCOINS, Mme Nadjet KETTAB, Ms. Aurélie DESORMIERE, Mme Armelle LE COMTE

Reserve members for Parents of students:


Non-voting members

The French Consul: Ms. Frédérique CHEUSEL
The consular counsellors: Ms. Laurence HURET, Ms. Belma YEBKA, M. Remi PROVENDIER, Mme Angeline DOUANT

2 representatives of the Executive Committee

The President of the Executive Committee: Mr. Ludovic MATHÉ

The Supervisor

Mr. Christophe CHAU

The Representative of the Student Council (CVL)

Mme Anousha GUPTA

Representatives of the French community – President(s) of French associations in Singapore

Accueil Singapour : Ms. Caroline GUIOT
UFE : Ms. Virginie BARRE
ADFE : Mr. Serge COMPAN (Reserve member : Ms. Delphine CONSTANTIN)

The 6 representatives of the parents in the Educational Committee as well as their reserve members make up the Parent Committee.

Academic & Exam Board

These two boards are internal bodies of the School and are governed by local legislation.

Academic Board

  • Principal, Mr David Binan
  • Vice Principals, Ms Jillian Erin-Agot & Ms Sylvie Allonas
  • Heads of Primary, Mr Christophe Cailton, Ms Johanna Boutard & Mr Florian Olive

Examination Board

  • Principal, Mr David Binan
  • Vice Principals, Ms Jillian Erin-Agot & Ms Sylvie Allonas
  • Exam Board Supervisor, Mr Christophe Chau
  • Exam Board Guest, Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education, Ms Emilienne Baneth-Nouailhetas

Latest Annual Reports

Annual Report 2023


Past Annual Reports