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Good morning to all,

I am pleased to address you today with these few words. First of all, I am thinking of all those who are joining us. New students, new staff, new parents. Hope you feel welcome in our environment, in Singapore and at IFS.

The Singaporean health authorities define this period as Phase 2. We are, therefore starting our year under these conditions. I invite you to read the measures in question found in the Parent Portal.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire community for your resilience during this challenging period. The school and the community have shown solidarity, strength and cohesion. In this particular context, we have all the assets to succeed in this academic year.

The community’s resilience is strengthened by the Executive Board, the management teams, the  Embassy of France, the AEFE and all our authorities. Our teams have shown their sense of dedication, their professionalism and the passion they have for supporting the students they are responsible for. I do not doubt that we are going to make this year 2020-2021 a great school year.

We are going to start this school year with more than 2900 students, which is precisely the same number as this time last year. We are delighted about this, and it is excellent news for IFS.

The implementation of the reformed Baccalaureate will be completed this year. Our students from 1ère last year and Terminales this year are ready, and I wish them every success in these new exams.

Dear students, I know that you are impatient to start the new school year. I am thinking in particular of the little ones who are going to explore a new environment, who are going to discover a school for the first time. It is a great step in the life of our youngest students. I am also thinking of all those who will be joining us, who know each other. They will undoubtedly be thrilled to meet their classmates and to start again with new teachers for a new year. Finally, I am thinking of our older students who will finish their schooling to prepare themselves for their future and their higher education.

We are delighted to welcome you all. I wish you, dear students, an excellent school year ahead.

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Ifs Elementary Student