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A 100% Pass Rate at Diplôme National Du Brevet (DNB) 2022 Examinations. Congratulation to IFS Troisième Students!

6 February 2023 – Today marks an important milestone for students in Middle School as they receive their diplomas for the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) at a Graduation Ceremony held in the Amphitheatre of the International French School in Singapore AMK 3000 campus. The DNB is a French national diploma awarded to students upon successfully completing their middle school studies.

IFS Troisième students once again showed their hard work, dedication and academic skills by performing outstandingly at the 2022 Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) exams.

With a 100% pass rate for the 164 students in 3ème (grade 9), 71% of this cohort of exceptional students achieved first-class honours (mention Très Bien). A further 19% of students were awarded upper second-class honours (mention Bien). These results were well ahead of the global average – generally, around 87% pass rate, with 25% mentions of Très Bien. 

In 2022, over 830,000 students registered for the DNB exams worldwide.

IFS Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) 2022 Results

The National Diploma French diploma (Le Diplôme National du Brevet des Collèges or DNB) is a diploma given to students at the end of Troisième (grade 9, age 14). It is awarded to students who have passed the written and oral tests. The tests cover subjects such as French language, mathematics, science, history-geography, foreign languages, arts, humanistic culture and civic and physical education. The DNB is an indicator of the level of general education and may be considered for admission to higher education. 

This common base of knowledge, skills and culture presents what every student should know and master at the end of Middle School and brings together all the skills, values and attitudes necessary to succeed in school, as an individual and as a future citizen.

The assessment is primarily continuous throughout Collège (Middle School), with one oral exam and four written exams at the end of Troisième.

Moreover, it is the first exam our students take, and by preparing for it, they learn how to make revision sheets, plan their work, and manage stress and time during the exam. These are necessary skills that will be used later in preparing for the French baccalauréat and in their academic life.

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