Home > “Ideas change the world” with Christine Ockrent

“Ideas change the world” with Christine Ockrent

Join us for a live talk* on Zoom with Belgian journalist Christine Ockrent about her  latest book published by Éditions de l’Observatoire, La Guerre des récits.

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As part of the event series “Ideas change the world” organised by IFS, Christine Ockrent, Belgian journalist and producer of the programme “Affaires étrangères” on France Culture, will be speaking about her latest novel

“LA GUERRE DES RÉCITS”, Éditions de l’Observatoire

On Thursday, 12th November at 7 PM SGT

A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and Cambridge University, she became the second woman to present the 8 o’clock news on France 2 in 1981, after Hélène Vida.

Christine has worked as chief editor at RTL and editor-in-chief of TF1. In 2008, she was appointed Executive Director of Audiovisuel outside France. She also became Executive Director of France 24 and Executive Director of RFI. Since 2013, she has produced and presented “Affaires étrangères” on France Culture. 

In her book “La Guerre des Récits”, this journalist reviews the international communication strategy of Russia, the United States and China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instrumentalised, the health crisis becomes an additional tool in foreign policy and economic war that these three nations are waging against each other. 

*This talk will be held in French. Simultaneous translation in English will be available.