Home > “Ideas Change the World” with Pascal Boniface

“Ideas Change the World” with Pascal Boniface

Join us for a live talk* on Zoom with French geopolitologist Pascal Boniface as he discusses relations between the European Union and Russia.

IFS Ideas Change the World with Pascal Baoniface

As part of the events “Ideas change the world” organised by IFS, Pascal Boniface, French geopolitologist and Director of the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs – IRIS. Mr Boniface will be speaking about 

The relations between the European Union and Russia

On Wednesday, 9th December at 7 PM SGT

Pascal Boniface is the founding Director of the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs – IRIS, based in Paris and professor of international relations in the “Institut d’Etudes européennes” (Institute for European Studies) in the University of Paris-8.

He has published or edited more than sixty books dealing with International Relations, Nuclear Deterrence and Disarmament, European Security, French International Policy, Sport in International Relations and also the conflict in the Middle-East and its impact on France. Many of these have become classics, reissued on a regular basis and translated in several languages.

Pascal Boniface publishes numerous articles in international and strategic reviews, is regularly present in the media, national and international. He is one of the most followed geopolitical analysts on social networks. He also analyses international issues on his own YouTube channel and weekly podcasts  “Comprendre le monde (Understand the world). 

More on Pascal Boniface on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

*This talk will be held in French. Simultaneous translation in English will be available.