Home > “Ideas Change the World” with Thibaut Meurgue-Guyard

“Ideas Change the World” with Thibaut Meurgue-Guyard

Join us for a live talk* on Zoom with Thibaut Meurgue-Guyard, Co-founder of ‘Found and Seek’, to discuss the impact of IT and tech on the planet.

Webinar Banner Thibaut Meurge Guyard 29 Nov

As part of the events “Ideas change the world” organised by the IFS, Thibaut Meurgue-Guyard, GreenTech entrepreneur & IT Sustainability consultant, will be speaking about 

“IT Sustainability and the Impact of tech on the planet”

on Monday, 29th November at 7 PM SGT

Thibaut Meurgue-Guyard is an entrepreneur in the field of Sustainable Development, and more particularly in the circular economy and electronic waste management. He co-founded Found & Seek, an online platform to allow companies to share their professional equipment in the same way as Airbnb.

He graduated from NEOMA Business School and spent the beginning of his career between Paris and Hong-Kong in IT infrastructure and new technologies consulting agencies before moving to Singapore.

Thibaut Meurgue-Guyard is also very involved in community life as he is an active member of The Matcha Initiative, an NGO that promotes environmental projects within companies in order to support them in their transformation. He is also actively involved in training students (ESSEC, NTU) on the environmental issues of tomorrow.

To date, he has written half a dozen articles on the circular economy and will launch a podcast on this subject in 2022 to help companies reconcile new technologies and climate change.

*This talk will be held in French. Simultaneous translation in English will be available.