Home > Online auction by IFS Terminale students

IFS students are holding an open online auction in support of disadvantaged children in Singapore


Affiche Virtual Auction 2As part of the Moral & Civic Education (EMC-GH) class, IFS students are organising a fundraiser for the benefit of Children’s Wishing Well (CWW).


From 24th May to 6th June 2021

on the IFS Facebook page


Five artworks by young IFS student artists will be published online.

Interested bidders can bid by posting a $$ comment on the particular artwork they wish to bid on. The successful bidders will be announced and notified at the end of the auction.

IFS Terminale students and online auction organisers Ombeline, Ella, Lilli and Héloïse explained, “After many attempts of coming up with an idea to raise funds that would respect the social distancing measures, we came up with the online auction. We have been working with the 5ème students, organising a presentation to all classes by Ms Joanna Tan, CEO of CWW.”

Guided by their IFS teacher Mr Maxime Pilon and volunteers from the IFS Groupe Humanitaire who believe strongly in CWW’s cause, Ombeline, Ella, Lilli and Héloïse commented, “CWW is a Singaporean association that helps children from disadvantaged families. Their services support their current educational and daily living needs, and equip them with skills for their future, building a strong foundation for them to contribute as good members of society, and escape the poverty trap. In these difficult times for everyone, it’s important not to forget the people in need.”

For more details, follow the International French School (Singapore) on Facebook.

To learn more about the IFS Lycée, click here.

To learn more about the IFS Groupe Humanitaire and support its causes, click here.