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IFS organises the Days of Francophonie from 14th March to 8th April.

The French language and days of Francophonie are organised every year from mid-March everywhere in France and the world. It was created in 1995, an initiative of the French Ministry of Culture.

As part of the Days of Francophonie, the International French School (Singapore) will celebrate the French language through various events and talks in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Singaporethe Embassy of Switzerland in Singaporethe High Commission of Canada in Singapore and the Alliance Française de Singapour

La Francophonie at IFS is nearly a month of events to celebrate the French language by showing our attachment to it, by celebrating its richness and modernity, around the 2022 theme: “Climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development.”

Discover the IFS programme below:

From 14th to 18th of March

Film screenings – in partnership with the French Embassy
  • “The Prince’s Voyage” by Jean-François Laguionie and Xavier Picard
  • Synopsis : An old prince runs aground on an unknown shore. Wounded and lost, he is found by young Tom and taken in by his parents, two researchers forced into exile … The prince, guided by Tom, discovers with enthusiasm and fascination a society that is however frozen and sclerotic.
  • “Once Upon a Forest” by Luc Jacquet
  • For the first time, we will be able to watch a rainforest growing before our eyes. Drawing on a vast fund of research and knowledge, Once Upon a Forest will lead viewers on a journey into the depths of the tropical jungle, into the very heart of life on earth. For years, Luc Jacquet has spellbound audiences worldwide with his intimate yet spectacular stories of the natural world. His encounter with pioneering botanist and ecologist Francis Hallé was to give birth to this extraordinary exploration of the prehistoric rainforests, the great green lungs of our planet.
Ifs Francophonie 2022 Programme En
“Energy Observer” visit

The Energy Observer” is the first autonomous hydrogen-powered vessel with zero emissions. Through expeditions and innovation, it explores and develops solutions that prove that other energy and planet-friendly solutions are possible.

Four outings are organized for secondary school students to visit the “Energy Observer” while it is in Singapore.

From 21st to 25th of March

“Rallye Interlangue” Dictation

Since October, and until May, the French, Spanish, Mandarin and English teachers have been working in collaboration and in a transversal way in the implementation of the Francophonie Europe-Asia Rallye Interlangue. 

This rally is divided into four stages: 

  • Stage 1: A creative writing contest
  • Stage 2: A dictation contest
  • Stage 3: A spelling competition
  • Stage 4: A contest for the best multilingual artistic creation

During the Francophonie weeks, our students will approach stage 2 with the dictation exercise.

Virtual meetings with Victor Noël

Victor Noël is a 17-year-old activist for the protection of biodiversity. Passionate about nature and in particular about birds, he invites his readers to take the same path towards questioning and taking action. 

Our students will have the chance to discuss with this young defender of ecology on current environmental issues.

Virtual meetings with Sue Goyette – in partnership with the Canadian High Commission 

Sue Goyette is a Canadian poet and author of the poetry collection Ocean. 

Secondary school students, accompanied by their English teachers, will work translating texts proposals from Sue Goyette’s work and will submit them to her during zoom sessions that will be organized in class.

Virtual meetings with Jérôme Meizoz – in partnership with the Swiss Embassy

Jérôme Meizoz is a Swiss writer and literary critic. 

Our students will study excerpts from his books ‘Haut Val des Loups’ and ‘Absolument moderne!’ and will have the chance to talk with the author.

From 25th of March to 1st April

More virtual meetings with Victor Noël

Other classes will have the chance to discuss current environmental issues with this young environmentalist.

From 4th to 8th April

Virtual meetings with Heidi Sevestre

Heidi Sevestre is a French glaciologist who travels the world’s glaciers. 

Currently on expedition, she will be speaking from Svalbard, in the Spitzbergen archipelago, where she will be continuing her mission as a glaciologist with the local university to which she is attached.

She will discuss with our students about her job and its challenges.

A video conference is also planned for our community in early April.
This meeting will be hosted by IFS Terminale students in French, with simultaneous translation into English.

Stay connected with everything happening at IFS through the My IFS portal

Ifs Elementary Student