Home > Guide to safer internet use for IFS students

International French School (Singapore) provides tips to parents on how to keep their children safe online

Personal or parental smartphone, game console, television, home computer… children are exposed to screens on a daily basis.

They have mastered the art of downloading new apps, playing online games or communicating on social networks that are, in theory, forbidden to them.
Today’s children are as competent as their parents, if not more so, in using the Internet and digital tools.

At a time when children and adolescents are increasingly connected, it is important to raise their awareness of safe internet use. 

Here is some advice from the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés/French Data Protection Authority) to better protect their online privacy.


10 tips given to children to stay safe on the Web 


  1. Think before you publish
    On the internet, everyone can see what you put online: news, photos, opinions, etc.Picture2
  2. Respect others
    You are responsible for what you publish online so moderate your comments on social networks, forums… Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t like to be done to you. 
  3. Don’t say everything
    Give the minimum of personal information on the internet. Do not communicate your political opinions, your religion or your telephone number.
  4. Secure your accounts
    Always set up your profiles on social networks to stay in control of the information you want to share. 
  5. Create multiple email addresses
    You can use one mailbox for your friends and another mailbox for games and social networks.
  6. Watch out for photos and videos
    Don’t post embarrassing photos of your friends or yourself as their distribution is uncontrollable. 
  7. Use a pseudonym
    Only your friends and family will know it’s you.
  8. Beware of passwords
    Don’t give them to anyone and choose them a bit complicated: never use your date of birth or nickname.
  9. Clean up your histories
    Clear your browsing history regularly and consider using private browsing if you are using a computer that is not yours.
  10. Check your tracks
    Regularly type your name into a search engine to find out what information about you is circulating on the Internet.



Useful information