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IFS Educational Fair for Secondary School Students

As part of the Orientation Week, the International French School (Singapore) organised an Educational Fair from 23rd to 25th of November 2021 to present higher education institutions in various fields.

IFS High School students participated in video conferences with French higher education institutions, each with its speciality: business, engineering or social sciences.

One of the objectives was to give each secondary student the opportunity to determine their orientation with knowledge of the teaching requirements and their career opportunities. 

They were able to gather the necessary information to make appropriate choices in their further education choices.

For Victor, a grade 12 student, “the participation in the fair was very constructive. My last conference helped me understand that it made more sense for me to specialise rather than choose a more general school. A graph was also shown to explain the different career opportunities students usually have after this school.”

Students attended webinars led by representatives from leading higher education institutions such as ESSEC, EDHEC, INSA Lyon, Sciences Po, Paris 2 Panthéon Sorbonne University, POLYTECH Paris Saclay, IPSA, LISAA.

Hugo and Daniel, grade 12 students, told us: “During ESSEC or EDHEC conferences, we learned about how to get into the school, the curriculum, the specialities and international exchanges offered, the different campuses and the school fees. We found it very interesting, and it reinforced our future education choices.”

IFS supports students to make their choices for higher education, whether in France or overseas, thereby helping them be autonomous and take charge of their future.

Thanks to the fair, I was able to discover different types of architecture, interior design or design in a broader aspect. It gave me a clearer idea of what I wanted to do and what I wanted to specialise in,” said Isla, a grade 11 student at IFS.

As for Céleste, who wants to study medicine, she said, “I learnt more about the new curriculum to study medicine: the ‘PASS’ and the ‘L.A.S.’, two courses of study that allow access to medicine, midwifery, dentistry, pharmacy or physiotherapy. I can now better plan my career path.”

In addition to the IFS educational fair, the students could also participate in the ‘Journée des métiers’ (career day), organised by Campus France on Saturday 27th of November, to attend career presentations.

To find out what our students choose to study after IFS, click here.

To find out more about the educational guidance department offer to secondary school students, click here.

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