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As part of the Francophonie Cultural Festival, IFS Première (grade 11) and Atelier Life students visit the Energy Observer, the world’s first autonomous hydrogen-powered vessel with zero emissions

The Francophonie Cultural Festival celebrates the French language through various events and talks in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Singaporethe Embassy of Switzerland in Singaporethe High Commission of Canada in Singapore and the Alliance Française de Singapour

La Francophonie at IFS is a month of events to celebrate the French language by showing our attachment to it, its richness and modernity.

In keeping with the theme “Climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development,” IFS Première (grade 11) and Atelier Life students explored the Energy Observer during its stopover in Singapore. 

IFS students toured the 30-metre catamaran docked at the ONE °15 Marina in Sentosa Cove and its educational exhibition village, raising awareness on energy and ecological transition issues.

Serving as a research laboratory, the Energy Observer organisation combines expeditions and innovations to explore and develop solutions for the future of energy. Criss-crossing the oceans in a bid to go out and meet the people who are coming up with sustainable solutions daily, the Energy Observer vessel has become a movement around the world, an Odyssey, where every stopover is an opportunity to learn, understand and share positive energies. 

Through expeditions and innovation, the Energy Observer explores and develops solutions that prove that alternative energy and planet-friendly solutions are possible.

Reflecting on their visit and all they had learned, IFS students shared some comments on their experience:

This trip opened my eyes to the sustainable possibilities for the future!

I liked the visit to the boat and the village. It allowed me to be more interested and informed about the types of renewable energy and what we could do to develop them.

It was an enriching experience on different solutions to current problems and an interesting approach to the field of research.

Very detailed visit, which thoroughly explains the functioning of the boat and its main goals while not neglecting the problems they encountered. I absolutely recommend this visit!

Energy Observer is a ship based on renewable energies only. It made me see what life is like on a small boat and how the crew constantly works and organises.

You could see that the crew members who welcomed us were passionate about what they do, and it is this enthusiasm convinces us and opens our eyes to green energy.

The visit of the Energy Observer and the team of scientists taught us that they are raising awareness by showing the world that sailing can be done in an ecological way, which is possible for the future.

I think it’s very brave to travel on a completely autonomous boat that runs only on renewable energy: it gives us a good example.

I loved the visit to the Energy Observer because I hope to contribute one day to the fight against global warming thanks to renewable energy.

This boat is great. With zero pollution, little to no noise, in comfort and good living. It really shows an improvement in renewable energy.

What a great project! The visit to the boat and the village is fascinating. It allowed us to understand in detail the latter’s objectives and its innovative functioning.

I really liked this outing because it was the first time we saw an eco-responsible boat.

The meeting with Energie Observer allowed me to realise the range of different solutions that can be brought for a more sustainable planet!

1 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
2 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
3 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
4 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
5 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
8 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
9 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
10 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer
11 Ifs Students Visit The Energy Observer

The Francophonie linguistic and cultural diversity celebration at IFS lasts until 8th April. To learn more, click here.

IFS Lycée offers students a breadth of knowledge across multiple subjects. The French curriculum provides each student with the research and analytical tools needed to enter University prepared to “hit the ground running.” To learn more about the IFS Lycée, click here.

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Ifs Elementary Student