Need to report an absence? Check school hours? Or reach out?

Click on your child’s school button to find all the details you need!

It is important to communicate all absences as soon as possible.


Kindergarten (Maternelle)

School hours

School Opening of Doors
Monday to Thursday 8:35 am to 3:25 pm 8:25 am and 3:20 pm
Friday 8:25 am to 12:15 pm 8:25 am and 12:10 pm


When a student is absent, please notify the school as soon as possible by email to:

Need to plan your child’s absence for administrative, medical or other reasons? 

Please fill out the Letter of Release form and send it to the school secretary.

Letter of release form

When the parents are absent from Singapore, please fill out the Parents’ Absence form and send it to the school secretary. This form is important for the Singaporean authorities. A legal guardian must be designated to be authorised to make decisions in case of emergency.

Parents' absence form


Direction: M. Florian OLIVE

Secrétariat: Mme Annie SOK PERIA

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: +65 6805 0085

Additional document

Essential rules for parents


Elementary (Élémentaire)

School hours

School Opening of Doors
Monday to Thursday 8:35 am to 3:25 pm 8:25 am and 3:25 pm
Friday 8:35 am to 12:15 pm 8:25 am and 12:10 pm


When a student is absent, please notify the school as soon as possible by email to:

  • for Elementary – the vie scolaire: [email protected]
  • If your child takes the bus, please put the bus company in copy of your email: [email protected]
  • If your child has an ECA on that day, please copy : [email protected]
  • Early release is possible from Monday to Thursday at 11 am or 2 pm only
  • Late arrivals are possible before 11:15 am or after 1:40 pm

Need to plan your child’s absence for administrative, medical or other reasons? 

Please fill out the Letter of Release form and send it to the school secretary.

Letter of release form

When the parents are absent from Singapore, please fill out the Parents’ Absence form and send it to the school secretary. This release form is important for the Singaporean authorities. A legal guardian must be designated to be authorised to make decisions in case of emergency.

Parents' absence form


5ème, 4ème, 3ème, 2nde
6ème, 1ère, Terminale
Principal/Vice Principal Ms. Sylvie Allonas Ms. Jillian Erin-Agot
School Secretary Ms. Céline Petrissans Ms. Sandra Parfait
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Phone number +65 6805 0037 +65 6805 0076

Additional documents

Letter of release form Essential rules for parents

La Vie Scolaire

The vie scolaire team is composed of dedicated educational assistants working every day to ensure a smooth running of life at school. The goal of the vie scolaire team is to foster an atmosphere of care, to make sure the school rules are respected and to safeguard the well-being of the students during the school day.

  • Ensure a safe arrival and dismissal of students
  • Manage lateness and absence
  • Ensure the respect of the school rules
  • Oversee student safety during recess and lunch time
  • Accompany the students in case of discomfort or injury
  • Ensure a safe and warm life at school


Secondary (Secondaire)

School hours

Level School
Middle School students: 6e – 5e 7:50am to 4:05 pm
Middle School students: 4e – 3e 7:50am to 5:05 pm
High School students 7:50am to 5:05 pm

Absences and tardiness

Absences and late arrivals must be justified.

When a student is absent, please notify the school as soon as possible by email to:

Upon return of the student, the yellow coupon of the school booklet must be duly completed and given to the Vie Scolaire.

Any absence due to personal convenience will be considered unexcused.

Request for early release

For all requests for early release, the student’s legal guardian must indicate in the communication book’s yellow pages the date, time and reason or a signed note.

The letter of release form (at the bottom of the page) must be used as a matter of urgency and exceptionally for compelling reasons and must be sent to the Vie Scolaire.

Attention! There will be no make-up in case of absence from examinations or mock examinations.

Letter of release form


5ème, 4ème, 3ème, 2nde
6ème, 1ère, Terminale
Vice Principal Ms. Sylvie Allonas Ms. Jillian Erin-Agot
School Secretary Ms. Céline Petrissans Ms. Sandra Parfait
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Telephone +65 6805 0068 +65 6805 0100

Vie Scolaire

Classes of 6e and 5e
(grades 6 and 7)
Classes of 4e and 3e
(grades 8 and 9)
Classes of 2e, 1e and Terminale
(High School)
Year Heads Mr. Fabien Sannier Ms. Marie Cuvé Ms. Nafissa Zbairi
Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Telephone +65 6805 0070 +65 6805 0107 +65 6805 0005

Additional document

Essential rules for parents