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🏐 Inter-League Volleyball Cup AEFE-UNSS 2025 🔥

 From 1 to 4 April, IFS Singapore will host the best international teams for an intense and spectacular tournament! 

🌍 174 players - 12 delegations - 11 countries 

🏅 Competing Teams:
🇧🇯 Benin – @efemontaigne EFE 
🇨🇮 Ivory Coast – @lyceeblaisepascal 
🇲🇱 Mali – @liberte_bko 
🇰🇭 Cambodia – @lfrdpp
🇭🇰 Hong Kong – @hkfis
🇮🇩 Indonesia – @lyceefrancaisdebali 
🇲🇾 Malaysia – @lyceefrancaisdekualalumpur 
🇸🇬 Singapore – @ifssingapore 
🇹🇭 Thailand – @lyceefrancaisbkk 
🇹🇳 Tunisia – iscarthage @lycee_gustave 
🇲🇦 Morocco – @lycee_descartes_rabat_officiel
🇫🇷 France – @epae_749 

A tournament full of fair play and passion for the sport! Who will lift the trophy this year? 🏆

📅 Join us from 1 April and follow the event live!
📲 Watch the matches on YouTube and follow live results.

💙 A huge thank you to @aefeinfo , @ligueasie_aefe.unss , and @sg.chartwells & @decathlonsg for their support and equipment!

“Le sport a le pouvoir de rassembler les nations, d’unir les esprits et d’inspirer l’excellence.”

#IFSvolleyball #InterLeagueCup #AEFEUNSS #TeamSpirit #IFSAes #IFSSport
🔎 Traces of Greek Mythology… in Singapore?

As part of their Latin course, our 3e students became real detectives during their visit to the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM). Their mission? To uncover hidden Greek references in the city! 🏛️

And guess what? There are plenty! From architecture to statues and mythological symbols, Singapore is rich with references to Antiquity.This urban exploration highlighted the connection between mythology and modern times, underscoring its enduring influence in the world around us.

📜 “Si Alexandre n’était pas Alexandre, il aurait voulu être Diogène ou Bouddha.” A quote that reminds us that exchanges between East and West date back centuries… When Alexandre Le Grand reached India, he paved the way for a dialogue between Greek culture and Buddhism, shaping both the art and philosophy of the era.

A wonderful way to learn that Latin and ancient culture are not just relics of the past, but still resonate today… even in Singapore! ✨🌍

#IFSLatin #Mythology #LearningBeyondClassrooms #IFSCulture #OpenYourMind
🌿✨ A Night at the Zoo for our CE1 students! 🦁🌙

Spending a night at the zoo is an adventure the students won’t forget anytime soon! From the excitement of sleeping in a tent to discovering the cutest… and the most terrifying animals, it was an unforgettable experience.

The programme included observing nocturnal animals, listening to fascinating stories from the zookeepers, and of course, a night under the stars, lulled by the sounds of the wild. Now, each class is eagerly awaiting their turn to take part in this unique adventure, up close with nature.

Would you dare to spend a night at the zoo? 🏕️🦉

“L’aventure est dans chaque souffle du vent, chaque bruissement de feuille et chaque regard échangé avec un animal sauvage.”

#NightAtTheZoo #WildlifeExperience #ZooSleepover #IFSAdventure #IFSCommunity #OpenYourMind
✨ Art & Tributes: Where Creativity Meets History 🎨🎶

3e students took on a unique artistic challenge: paying tribute to an icon through a piece combining visual arts and music. 🎭🎼

This creative project allowed them to explore the world of an influential figure, immerse themselves in their story, and express their vision through an original artistic approach.

A collective effort carried out with passion under the guidance of visual arts and music teachers. Well done to all the students for these inspiring tributes! 👏✨

“L’art est la plus belle des reconnaissances.”

#IFSSuccess #IFSCreativity #ArtEducation #MusicalTribute #OpenYourMind
✨ Wrap-up for SIMUN XX! ✨

Yet another incredible edition! Every year, our students continue to push their limits with passion, dedication, and a strong team spirit. IFS Singapore is proud to support and host the leaders of tomorrow in this challenging and enriching experience.

👏 Congratulations to all participants, organisers, and mentors for making this event a success! We already look forward to seeing you next year for an even more inspiring edition.

“L’avenir ne se prévoit pas, il se prépare.”

#SIMUNXX #IFSSingapore #IFSSimun#LeadersOfTomorrow #IFSSuccess #OpenYourMind
Beach Volleyball in Cherating: An Unforgettable Week of Competition

The Beach Volleyball competition, held in Cherating, Malaysia, provided our students with an exceptional experience under the sun and in an idyllic setting. A huge thank you to @clubmedcherating for their warm hospitality and for making this event possible. 🌴

The students fully embraced this dream week, combining sports, relaxation, and camaraderie. The atmosphere was incredible, filled with positive energy, genuine smiles, and a strong drive to excel. 🤝😊

The results also met expectations, with great performances from both the girls and the boys. Special congratulations to Noémie and Naël, who won the attacker competition—a well-deserved achievement. Well done to both of you! 🏅👏

Finally, a big thank you to our sponsor @decathlonsg for providing the sportswear, which ensured optimal comfort even in the most challenging conditions. 👕💪

A big thank you as well to @lyceefrancaisdekualalumpur for organizing this unforgettable event. 🎉

“L’esprit d’équipe ne se mesure pas seulement par les victoires, mais par les sourires partagés et les efforts communs.”

#ProzapBeachVolleyball #ClubMedCherating #IFSSuccess #IFSSports #IFSEca #Decathlon #BeachVolleyball #LycéeFrançaisDeKualaLumpur


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IFS Graduation Ceremony 2024

8th July, 2024

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17 December 2024 11:26

🎉 The Walkathon – Saturday, 7th December! 🎉

25 November 2024 11:55

Interview Aurelia Brivet

21 November 2024 15:27

Memorial Shoah - Marini Bambi

21 November 2024 15:25

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🏐 Inter-League Volleyball Cup AEFE-UNSS 2025 🔥

From 1 to 4 April, IFS Singapore will host the best international teams for an intense and spectacular tournament!

🌍 174 players - 12 delegations - 11 countries

🏅 Competing Teams:
🇧🇯 Benin – EFE Montaigne Cotonou
🇨🇮 Ivory Coast – Lycée français Blaise Pascal Abidjan officiel
🇲🇱 Mali – Etablissement Liberté Bamako
🇰🇭 Cambodia – Lycée Français René Descartes Phnom Penh
🇭🇰 Hong Kong – The French International School of Hong Kong
🇮🇩 Indonesia – Lycée Français de Bali, Louis Antoine de Bougainville
🇲🇾 Malaysia – Lycée Français de Kuala Lumpur
🇸🇬 Singapore – International French School - Singapore
🇹🇭 Thailand – Lycée Français International de Bangkok LFIB
🇹🇳 Tunisia – Lycee Gustave Flaubert, La Marsa ISC Groupe
🇲🇦 Morocco – Lycée français Descartes de Rabat, Maroc. AEFE
🇫🇷 France – Ecole des pupilles de l'Air et de l'Espace - EPAE 749

A tournament full of fair play and passion for the sport! Who will lift the trophy this year? 🏆

📅 Join us from 1 April and follow the event live!
📲 Watch the matches on YouTube and follow live results.

💙 A huge thank you to AEFE Asie-Pacifique, Ligue sportive AEFE UNSS ZAP, and Chartwells K12 & Decathlon Singapore for their support and equipment!

"Le sport a le pouvoir de rassembler les nations, d’unir les esprits et d’inspirer l’excellence."

#IFSvolleyball #InterLeagueCup #AEFEUNSS #TeamSpirit #IFSEca #IFSAes #ifssport
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Mathematics Week at IFS: "Maths Beyond the Walls"

IFS celebrated Mathematics Week with fun and creative challenges.

🔎 Matemápolis Challenge: Spot as many hidden mathematical elements as possible in the artwork by Lola Morales.

📸 "Pose Your Lego" Photo Challenge: Experiment with optical illusions and create a unique scene using Lego.

🧠 Daily Puzzles: A new brain teaser to solve every day.

✨ A week to explore mathematics in a different way, with curiosity and enjoyment!

"Les mathématiques ne sont pas une science dure, mais une aventure de l'esprit."

#MathsBeyondTheWalls #MathematicalThinking #MathsAdventure #IFSChallenge #IFSMaths #IFSSuccess #openyourmind
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Mathematics Week at IFS: Maths Beyond the Walls 

IFS celebrated Mathematics Week with fun and creative challenges.

🔎 Matemápolis Challenge: Spot as many hidden mathematical elements as possible in the artwork by Lola Morales.

📸 Pose Your Lego Photo Challenge: Experiment with optical illusions and create a unique scene using Lego.

🧠 Daily Puzzles: A new brain teaser to solve every day.

✨ A week to explore mathematics in a different way, with curiosity and enjoyment!

Les mathématiques ne sont pas une science dure, mais une aventure de lesprit. 

#MathsBeyondTheWalls #MathematicalThinking #MathsAdventure #IFSChallenge #IFSMaths #IFSSuccess #openyourmindImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🔬 Diving into Genetics! 🧬

Our 1ere Biology students spent a day at the Science Centre laboratory for a unique experience: extracting and analysing their own DNA!

On the agenda:
🔹 Hands-on lab experiments
🔹 PCR method to amplify DNA
🔹 Gel electrophoresis to obtain their genetic profile

A full immersion into techniques used in biology and forensic science. An intense, hands-on day filled with discoveries that truly captivated our students! 🔍

"La science consiste à passer d’un étonnement à un autre."

#IFSBiology #ScienceInAction #DNA #IFSSuccess #OpenYourMind #learningbydoing
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🔬 Diving into Genetics! 🧬

Our 1ere Biology students spent a day at the Science Centre laboratory for a unique experience: extracting and analysing their own DNA! 

On the agenda:
🔹 Hands-on lab experiments
🔹 PCR method to amplify DNA
🔹 Gel electrophoresis to obtain their genetic profile

A full immersion into techniques used in biology and forensic science. An intense, hands-on day filled with discoveries that truly captivated our students! 🔍

La science consiste à passer d’un étonnement à un autre. 

#IFSBiology #ScienceInAction #DNA #IFSSuccess #OpenYourMind #learningbydoingImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment
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