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IFS Class of 2020 overcome a difficult academic year with 93% receiving a “Mention” (merit), 55% high merit “Très Bien”.

Singapore, June 2020 – Following the announcement of the 2020 Bac results, the International French School in Singapore once again showed its deserved position as one of the top academic institutions within the AEFE Asia-Pacific network and a top international school in Singapore.

IFS Terminale students achieved a 100% pass rate with almost 80% receiving high merits, (Très Bien and Bien). The class of 2020 achieved a 9% increase on last year for top merit “Très Bien“. From 46% in 2019 to 55% of students in 2020.

Mr Christan Soulard, Principal of IFS, commented, “It has been a challenging year for our Terminale students. It is wonderful to see that all their hard work has paid off. I am incredibly proud of our Class of 2020. Not only have they adapted to the COVID-19 global crisis but excelled in their academic achievements.

The excellent 2020 results are proof of the quality of our structured teaching and learning practices; of our experienced, passionate, dedicated pedagogical staff; the culture of the IFS learning environment and the determination, character and maturity of our students. Once again, IFS perseveres together and comes out on top.”

One hundred seventeen students participated in this modified 2020 examination process, with eighteen students choosing to take the International Baccalaureate Option (OIB). Due to concerns over the coronavirus, the exams at the end of Terminale were replaced by other means of assessment. Notably regular progress checks in areas such as coursework and homework. It is the first time since its inception in 1808 under Napoleon Bonaparte that the “bac” exam has not taken place in its traditional form.

IFS graduate Theo Ducasse, Class of 2020, commenting on his time at IFS said, “At IFS I quickly saw that there were peers in my class who knew what they wanted to do with their lives, who had great ambitions and who therefore gave themselves the means to succeed in their endeavours. The presence of these classmates created a competitive atmosphere and the whole class, including myself, benefited from it. In terms of my academic record, my grades and therefore my future, IFS has really boosted me forward, compared with what I was doing in France. IFS made me focus on my studies, and in this climate of competition and camaraderie, I was able to succeed.”

The French Baccalauréat (popularly referred to as the ‘Bac’) is the diploma that marks the completion of the French Lycée (High School) programme and follows the curriculum guidelines established by the French Ministry of Education. The French Bac is widely recognised around the world and provides IFS students with a pathway to top universities of their choice.

Learn more about the IFS Lycée, High School

To view #Class2020 Graduation Ceremony recap, click here.

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