Home > Sports: A New Bac Option For IFS High School Students


Students in High School, grades 10, 11 and 12 (Seconde, Première and Terminale) can pursue sports at the highest academic levels at the International French School (Singapore) from September 2022

Following the success and popularity of sports activities within the framework of the sports association, IFS has enriched its educational offering by including the French baccalaureate’s Physical Education and Sports option.

This new optional course will go beyond the strict field of sports education. In addition to physical education and sport, it will integrate other disciplines (sciences, humanities, etc.) by combining practical learning with theoretical content.  

This option is open to all students at the Lycée (Seconde, Première, Terminale) with prior knowledge, practice and interest in sports:

  • Students with an interest in sports and a desire to deepen their physical and theoretical skills.
  • Students wishing to engage in a search for performance, surpass themselves, and health.
Ifs Musculation
Ifs Escalade

The Physical Education and Sports option includes three hours of teaching and learning per week, per level, in addition to the hours of Sports provided in the core curriculum. It is not limited to sports practice. It also includes sports theory: 2 hours of training and 1 hour of theory per week.

For teaching this option, the sports practised requires different skills and are chosen by IFS.

  • Seconde (grade 10): volleyball and climbing, with the theme of study: physical, sporting and artistic activity and equality between women and men
  • Première (grade 11): badminton and strength training, with the theme of study: physical, sporting and artistic activity and health 
  • Terminale (grade 12): badminton and climbing, with the theme of study: physical, sporting and artistic activity and training

Students wishing to pursue this option in Terminale will be assessed on practice and knowledge as part of a continuous assessment. Students will take an oral presentation on a thematic subject studied during the year. (Grades will be considered for the continuous assessment of the baccalauréat).

The EPS option in high school allows students to work on essential skills for their future. Students develop their critical thinking skills, sense of commitment, and self-confidence through sport. They also learn to manage their emotions better. Teamwork is fundamental to this option.

For more information on sports learning at IFS, click here.

Ifs Badminton