Three IFS Students Take Part in the 1st Edition of the 100% Singapore Youth Competition
End of 2020, 100% Youth Competition Singapore Season was organised by Singapore Edutainment Associates Global. Three students from the International French School (Singapore) and the school’s music class had the chance to participate in this competition, and one of the participants was among the finalists.

The goal of this competition is to identify, train and groom youth in the area of singing, dancing and band performances. The first season was held to identify talented vocalists who are passionate about their craft. Several workshop sessions were organised for the participants throughout the competition where they were trained by international artistes and professionals.
Our three IFS participants had the opportunity to follow several workshops and evolve in the competition with young people from all types of backgrounds in Singapore: Sofia, an 8th-grade student at IFS and participant in the competition, told us that, “the candidates were between 8 and 20 years old, the majority were teenagers coming from Singaporean schools or international schools”.
This experience enabled IFS students to put into practice the advice and knowledge acquired during their IFS music lessons: “The IFS music workshops and the choir really helped us to integrate this competition, we learned to sing better and be more confident. The IFS lessons were really useful to us” said Claire and Emiri, participants and 9th-grade students.
For Claire, finalist of the competition: “The coaches and judges were really nice to us and gave us a lot of advice. We had the opportunity to interact with the judges and the other candidates. It was a growing experience as we learned things, got feedback and comments on our performances and met new friends”.
This event showcased the creativity and talent of three of our students: Sofia and Emiri reached the semi-finals and Claire was among the six finalists of the first season of 100% Youth Singapore.
Ms Julie Demange, Head of Music in Secondary, recommended the students register for this competition. Visibly very proud of these results Ms Demange commented, “These three students have been very invested for several years in the music workshops provided in middle school. Their success is deserved! And thanks to them, they have helped promote music education at IFS outside the school“.
The International French School (Singapore) offers several musical workshops or extra-curricular activities to students, enabling them to discover and develop their talents and passions – whether athletic, intellectual or creative.
To learn more about the Arts at IFS, click here.