Exams &


IFS is an international school with over 80 nationalities, offering students multiple qualifications and certificates to suit a variety of exams and international educational needs.

With its rigorous curriculum and a structured syllabus, IFS students strive for academic success in all their fields of endeavour.
And there is no better measure than their outstanding results.










International and Multilingual Qualifications



French National Diploma (DNB) – Diplôme National du Brevet

The National Diploma (Le Diplôme National du Brevet des Collèges or DNB) is a diploma given to students at the end of Troisième (grade 9). The certificate is linked to the common core of knowledge, skills and culture and the results obtained in formal examinations. The assessment is mostly continuous throughout Collège (Middle School), with one oral exam and four written exams at the end of Troisième.

To be awarded a diploma, pupils must acquire the seven key competencies of the “Common Core of Knowledge and Skills” and score a minimum of 400 points (out of 800).

Eight components of the “Common Core of Knowledge and Skills” are taken into account throughout College. These components are evaluated according to a four-level scale. Positioning on this scale is based on evaluations conducted throughout Cycle 4 (Middle School) by teachers. Mastery of the common core is assessed on 400 points.

Four written tests, common to all the candidates, are examined on the subjects, French, mathematics, history and geography and moral and civic education, sciences (physics-chemistry, earth and life sciences, technology – 2 disciplines out of 3).

The written French and mathematics tests are evaluated on 100 points each. The written history – geography – moral and civic education and science tests are evaluated on 50 points each. The written language test is scored on 100 points. In addition, students must acquire a level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in a foreign language (English).

An oral examination is conducted on one of the subjects studied in the History of Art. The final rounds are scored on 400 points.

For students, the national diploma of the brevet is awarded when the total points is greater than or equal to 400. Endorsements or distinctions are granted if the total points are at least 480, “Fairly Good”; if the total is at least 560, “Good”; and if the total is at least 640, “Very Good”.

Diplôme National du Brevet “option Internationale” (DNBI)

The national diploma “international option” is made up of all the common core tests plus two specific oral tests in language and literature and history-geography (mathematics for Chinese sections). Both tests are conducted in the language of the section according to a schedule set up at the school.

Students must be schooling in the international section in Troisième as a condition to be enrolled in the international option of the DNB. However, students enrolled in the international section are not required to register for the international option of the national diploma if they so choose. They can still opt for the standard French DNB.



Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

Developed by Cambridge International Examination (CIE), the IGCSE is a very popular English language curriculum. A qualification that can open doors around the world, leading universities and employers worldwide accept Cambridge IGCSE as evidence of academic ability for 14 to 16-year-olds.

This two-year course is a popular gateway to higher education or professional studies in a family’s home country or overseas. Critically for IFS students, the IGCSE provides a language test pass for emigrating or studying in another country. For example, achieving a Grade C in IGCSE English is often enough to satisfy the language requirements for some universities in English-speaking countries.

The IGCSE exams are offered at the end of Seconde (grade 10) to students who have opted into the International Section of the Lycée. Conducted in May each year, IFS student will sit exams in Language (A) English, English Literature and Global Perspectives. Assessment ranges from written to oral tests, as well as practical exams and coursework.

A sign of the strength of the bilingual international section, IFS student each year are regularly and significantly above the world IGCSE grade averages. Setting them up comfortably for the BFI in Terminale.



International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

The International English Language Testing System, or IELTS™, is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers.

For those students in either Main Stream, European section or the International section of IFS Lycee, who are looking to apply to English-speaking universities worldwide, IFS offers the language proficiency IELTS test at the end of Première (grade 11).

The IELTS assesses whether students are ready to begin studying in an environment where English language is used and reflects some of the features of language used in academic study.

The IELTS test assesses students’ abilities in listening, reading, writing and speaking. The test is administered by the British Council and the Australian IDP Education.



Baccalauréat (Bac)

The French Baccalaureate or “le Bac”, is as much a part of French culture as bread, wine and cheese. First introduced by Napoleon I in 1808, the French Baccalauréat is an extensive, national examination taken at the end of the “Lycée” (High School), upon completion of grades 11 and 12. It is the required qualification in France and worldwide for students wishing to carry on their studies in Higher Education.

Obtaining the baccalaureate is based on two assessments: final exams, which count for 60% of the final mark and continuous assessment, which accounts for 40% of the final mark.

The final exams:

At the end of Première (grade 11), students take the anticipated French exams. Candidates are tested on their written skills (coefficient 5) on the oral presentation of a text (coefficient 5)

In Terminale (grade 12), students spend:

  • two written tests linked to the two specialities chosen to be passed in June (coefficient 16 for each specialty);
  • The written philosophy test in June (coefficient 8);
  • The Grand oral in June which corresponds to a test relating to an individual project related to at least one speciality discipline (coefficient 10);

The assessments by continuous monitoring are distributed as follows:

  • All the subjects of the common core which are not the subject of final examinations (modern languages ​​A and B, history-geography, and scientific education) are assigned a coefficient of 6 (3 in 1st, 3 in terminal);
  • Physical and sports education is assessed in Terminale (coefficient 6);
  • Speciality education abandoned at the end of the first class is credited with a coefficient of 8;
  • Finally, moral and civic education receives a coefficient of 2 (1 in first, 1 in final).

In order to obtain a baccalaureate, students must achieve at least ten out of a possible mark of 20. Above this, honours are awarded. Between 12 and 13.99 – assez bien (honours); between 14 and 15.99 – bien (high honours); between 16 and 20 – très bien (highest honours).

For those students who score less than ten, but eight or more, they can opt for the épreuve de rattrapage, which is an oral exam given in two subjects of the student’s choice. In this way, providing the student does well enough to raise his/her overall grade to ten, those students just missing the required pass mark are able to obtain their baccalaureate without having to repeat their final year at school.

IFS students will be able to customise their curriculum among the following 8 speciality courses that are offered at the school.

  • Humanities, Literature & Philosophy
  • History-Geography, Geopolitics and Political Science
  • Mathematics
  • Physics-Chemistry
  • Earth and Life Sciences
  • Economics and Social Sciences
  • Language, Literature and Civilisation
  • Digital Technology and Computer Science

French International Baccalaureate (BFI)

Students in Première (grade 11) of the general stream who pursue this programme prepare during their final two years of school. This new international option is assessed from the 2024 exam session of the baccalaureate.

Why the BFI?

→ More visibility

The BFI strengthens the French baccalaureate’s visibility and attractiveness internationally.

→ More flexibility

The BFI is a new flexible and adapted programme designed to include innovative courses to meet the expectations of all students in the international section throughout the network of French schools abroad.

→ Strengthen the role of languages

The BFI constitutes a course of linguistic excellence and cultural openness that strengthens the place of languages. BFI offers students courses that allow them to master several modern languages at a very high level.

→ Better integration with higher education programmes

Bilateral agreements have led to a review with worldwide partners of the conditions for recognition of the BFI by higher education institutions and propose adjustments, if necessary, for improvements.

The main characteristics that make the “French style” of education so popular are reinforced — the development of critical thinking, humanist values and a methodical approach. The BFI reinforces this aspect by introducing a new subject, the “knowledge of the world” discipline in LVA (language section), which meets these objectives.

Other Certifications

GRADE 9 & 10

Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK)

The HSK is a Chinese standardized test of Standard Chinese (Mandarin) language proficiency for non-native speakers, such as foreign students and overseas Chinese. The HSK is recognised worldwide and is certified by the Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China.

At IFS this certificate is offered to Grade 6 and Grade 10 students.



The Goethe-Zertifikat is an internationally recognized exam of German language ability. The exam comprises reading, listening, writing and speaking sections and demonstrate that you have a basic knowledge of German.

Upon completion, students will be issued with an official and internationally recognized certificate corresponding to the level reached under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language or DELE)

The Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) are official Spanish language proficiency diplomas, organised by the Instituto Cervantes and granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

The DELE exams are designed following the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the Manual to relate examinations to the CEFR , both works of the Council of Europe.

DELE diplomas are recognized internationally and enjoy great prestige, not only among public and private educational institutions and authorities but also in the business world and between chambers of commerce. They are an official guarantee in the evaluation and certification of language proficiency in Spanish.


English Test (APTIS)

The Aptis test is a flexible English language test that enables us to assess English language proficiency. Aptis is an accurate and efficient assessment tool that is used to test all four English language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

Run by the British Council, Aptis for Teens is a general English language test aimed at 13-17-year-olds. It has been designed to meet the needs of younger language learners in developing their English language.


Diploma of French Language Studies (DELF)

Organized and delivered by the French Ministry of Education, the DELF diploma assessing students level in French language proficiency and are internationally recognized.

Two versions exist, the DELF Junior (13 to 17 years old) and Prim (8 to 12 years old). These tests are run in collaboration with the Alliance Française.